Talkaoke is a pop-up talk show in a democratic format that gives people a friendly and relaxed space to chat and discuss everything from the fun to the serious. The host keeps conversation flowing and lively.
Ice-9 provides consultancy and workshops with high-quality facilitation to create new insights, collaborations, strategy and innovative prototyping.
Ice-9 can help stakeholders listen to one another and sense where the seeds of the future are emerging in their fields. High-quality facilitation with dynamic tools such as mapping and game-based challenges help organizations find shared intentions and develop practical prototypes to learn by doing.
Ice-9 is part of a global network centered at the Sloan School of Management/ MIT, which applies Otto Scharmer’s TheoryU to develop leadership and collaboration in times of disruption. Adapting the TheoryU tools, Ice-9 does facilitation and strategy workshops to create enabling infrastructure for multi-stakeholder collaborations and ‘operating system upgrades’.
In our youth workshops we want to give youth space to explore their thoughts and feelings around the present and the future. We use a combination of new media technology and analogue techniques to encourage the youth to play with stories about the future. Scientific research on climate change and the environment is used as a foundation for the stories.
Ice-9 toured for 2 weeks with our first youth workshop, scienceFUTURE, in Aust-Agder and Tromsø in 2018 with “Den kulturelle skolesekken”. This was followed by 2 weekend workshops on Svalbard, in collaboration with Kunsthall Svalbard/Nordnorsk kunstmuseum.
Talkaoke is a pop-up talk show in a democratic format that gives people a friendly and relaxed space to chat and discuss everything from the fun to the serious. The host keeps conversation flowing and lively.